Maybelline color sensational lipstick

Maybelline color sensational huulepulki olen ma tahtnud juba mõnda aega proovida, sest blogimis ja youtube'i maailmas on need suhteliselt tuntud.
Alustan nagu ikka pakendist. Tegemist on väga lihtsa pakendiga, huulepulk on hõbedases plastikust pakendis ning kork on läbipaistvast plastist, mis on tumelilla. Huulepulk  liigub välja sujuvalt. Seega pakendiga probleeme pole, vähemalt mulle see meeldib.

Hetkel on mul üks Maybelline color sensational huulepulk ning see on toonis 250 Mystic mauve. Konkreetne toon jäi mulle mitmel korral silma ning lõpuks ma otsustasin, et see peab jõudma minu kollektsiooni. Pean kohe alguses tõdema, et muljed pulgast endast on kahetised. Arvestades huulepulga formulatsiooni on see ilmselt üks minu lemmikuid. Tegemist on väga kreemika pulgaga ning arvestades viimast püsib see hämmastavalt kaua peal. Toon on väga pigmendirohke ning toodet on lihtne peale kand, viimane võib olla tingitud ka sellest, et tegemist on heledama/igapäevasema tooniga. Huulepulgas pole mitte mingisugust sädelust ning huultel jääb pehme, kreemikana.

Jõuame tõrvatilgani meepotis ning selleks on asi, mis mind tihti paljude toodete juures häirib. Kes ära arvas, siis tubli 10 punkti, aga selleks on lõhn. Ma ei saa öelda, et see on ebameeldiv lõhn, aga kindlasti ütlen ma, et seda on liiga palju. Minul on see huulepulk olnud umbes 2 kuud ning selle ajaga on lõhn natuke vähenenud, kuid tuntav on see siiski. Lõhnade kirjeldamises olen ma super halb, kuid tegemist on mingisugust sorti magusama lõhnaga.

Huulepulk maksab tavaliselt 10 euro ringis, olenevalt konkreetsest poest. mina ostsin enda oma umbes 5 euroga Rosalindist, sest seal oli mingi pakkumine. Muide ma üldiselt ostangi asju soodukate ajal, sest mulle tundub, et meil on paljud asjad nii ülehinnatud.
Kokkuvõtteks: super-super huulepulk, välja arvatud lõhn, kui seda poleks, siis mul ilmselt oleks neid huulepulki juba rohkem kui üks. 

I have wanted to try Maybelline color sensational lipsticks for awhile. Mainly because they are often known as the best drugstore lipsticks and I just wanted to know are they just hyped up or they are actually that good.

I have always liked Maybelline lipsticks packaging, it's just so simple. I own one Maybelline color sensational lipstick and it's in the shade 250 Mystic mauve. I had my eye on it for awhile and then I decided it was time for that lipstick to come home with me. 

I absolutely loving the formula of the lipstick. It's so creamy and pigmented and soft and so on. Honestly the best formula I have tried. It's also easy to apply the product but it might be due to shade as it's just that everyday colour. Lipstick also stays on well specially comparing how creamy it is. So formula is good. By the way on the lips it has really creamy and soft finish. On my lips it shows out a little bit more pink toned than in a bullet but it's actually good because it's slightly out of my comfort zone. Dark nudes are my faves but usually with less pink in it. So I also really like the shade.

Now comes that BUT. Lipstick does have really strong scent to it and I have had it for 2 months or so and the scent is slightly fade away but I still can smell it. It's really sweet but unfortunately really strong scent. 

Here in Estonia it costs around 10 euros depends on shop. I do recommend the lipstick as it's really good but definitely smell it before buying in case overly scented things bother you as well. 

järgmise korrani  x


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