Empties #3

Beauty formulas Oil control foaming facial cleanser. I used it for removing my makeup and enjoyed it a lot. I got it from Latvia (Drogas) and it was € 1.50 - such a good price. Kasutasin Beauty formulas näopesuvahendit peamiselt meigi eemaldamiseks ja see toimis. Parim on hind 1,50 ja ostsin selle Lätist. 

Green Style cleanser. This is my second bottle of it and used to enjoy it, but not anymore. In some point it just started to break my skin up. See on minu teine pudel seda näopesuvahendit, alguses see väga meeldis mulle, kuid mingil hetkel avastasin, et see hakkas mu näole vistrikke tekitama.

Puhas loodus meremuda, salvei, kadamarja puhastav mask. Minu lemmikmask. Peale selle kasutamist on nagu puhas (ka komedoonidest), kuid samas pehme ehk ei kuivata liigselt nahka. Kindalsti mask, mille ma mingil hetkel uuesti ostan. 

Neutorgena Pink grapefruit face wash and moisturizer, I enjoy the whole range a lot. It has really fake grapefruit scent but that's the only downside and I'm actually used with it. They also have cooling efect, so it's important to avoid eye area. Highly recommend them. Neutrogena roosa greibi toodetest olen ma kirjutanud ka varem. Minu absoluutsed lemmikud. Ainus miinus on väga kunstlik greibi lõhn, kuid mina isiklikult olen sellega harjunud. Lisaks on neil toodetel jahutav efekt, seega vältida silmaümbrust. Soovitan väga.

Garnier Micellar water, I don't like it, just break me up badly and also doesn't remove mascara well. Garnieri mitsellaarvesi ei kuulu minu lemmikute hulka. Rikkus minu näonaha mõneks nädalaks ning ei eemalda ka ripsmetušši nii hästi nagu mõni teine mitsellaarvesi. 

Loreal eye makeup remover. I enjoyed it and used it up quite quickly. It gets rid off mascara so well. Only downside is the packaging - then the bottle was full I often ended up product on my lap and floor. Loreali silmameigi eemaldaja on super hea. Parim, mida proovinud olen, Ei jäta lauge õliseks, kuid samas eemaldab kogu silmameigi kiiresti ja hõõrumata. Ainus miinus on pakend, alguses läks toodet ka igale poole mujale kui vatipadjale. 

Loreal Triple active night cream. I loved it but in some point I just discovered something better. It super thick moisturizer but not moisturizing enough for my winter skin. Loreali öökreem meeldis mulle alguses väga, kuid siis avastasin ma midagi paremat. 

Mixa 8% soothing cream. I really enjoyed it and thought I'm going to repurchase it, but now I'm not sure about it. After using soothing one up and got the anti-dryness one and at home realized it has mineral oil in it. So I assume soothing one  has it as well but I have to check it out. Even though it's really lovely moisturizer underneath the makeup. Mixa rahustav kreem meeldis mulle väga, eriti meigi alla. Siis ostsin kuiva naha oma ning avastasin, et selles on mineraalõli. Ma pean kontrollima, kas ka rahustavas on mineraalõli enne kui ma seda uuesti ostma hakkan. 

Loreal skin perfection serum. It felt lovely on my skin but I couldn't see any difference in my skin. So I wouldn't repurchase it. Loreali seerum - nahal tundus see mõnus, kuid minu arvates on see suhteliselt mõttetu toode, sest ma ei näinud erinevust oma nahas ning seetõttu mingist hetkest alates unustasin seda kasutada. 

järgmise korrani  x


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