Maybelline BB creams
Mul on need kaks Maybelline BB-kreemi olnud juba pikka aega ja juba ammu olen mõelnud neist kirjutada, kuid kuidagi ei jõudnud. Ma olen proovinud erinevaid BB-kreeme, kuid üldjuhul jäävad need minu nahal oranžikad. Ilmselt seetõttu, et tavaliselt on valida heleda, keskmise või tumeda tooni vahel ning olgem ausad see pole piisav. BB-kreeme kasutan nüüd pigem harva, kuid umbes aasta tagasi oli see ainus toode, mida ma põhjana kasutasin.
Minul on siis Maybelline Dream Pure ja Dream Fresh BB-kreemid ning nüüd neid võrdlema hakkangi.
Alustan toonist - mõlemad on toonis hele, kuid tegemist on täiesti erinevate toonidega. Dream Pure puhul on tegemist tõesti heleda tooniga, kuid selles on päris palju roosakat alatooni. Õnneks mitte nii palju, et see näol häirima hakkaks. Mu nahk on niigi kergete punakate laikudega ning üldiselt seetõttu eelistan ma pigem neutraalse alatooniga meigipõhja. Dream Fresh on tunduvalt tumedam kui Pure ning tuubis olevas toode on kergelt oranžikas, kuid õnneks nahal see oranž ei jää (hiljem ka ei oksüdeeru oranžiks).
Üleval/above - Dream Pure; All/below - Dream Fresh |
Lõpptulemus - Dream Pure jätab naha pigem matiks ning Dream Fresh annab nn tervisliku jume.
SPF - Pure'is on SPF 15 ja Fresh'is SPF 30. Seda on ka pildilt näha, et välguga pilti tehes, tekitab Fresh natuke tugevama tagasipeegelduse.
Katvus - Dream Fresh on tunduvalt kergema katvusega ning Dream Pure katab ühtlaselt ja katvus on siiki pigem kerge, kuid katab paremini kui Dream Fresh.
Eripärad - Pure'is on 2% salitsüülhapet ning Fresh lubab anda hetkega särav-värske jume.
Hind - on üldiselt 9 eurot täishinnaga, kuid need on tooted, mis on alatasa allahindlusega ning siis on hinnaks 4-5 eurot.
Kõigest eelnevast lähtudes pean ütlema, et mulle meeldivad mõlemad. Dream Fresh'i kasutan pigem suvel, sest selles on rohkem päikesekaitset, toon on natuke tumedam ning jäeb nahal värske, suvine.
Dream Pure kasutan rohkem sügis-talvel, sest toon on heledam, matt ning päikesekaitset on, kuid mitte nii palju.
Nagu ma ütlesin, siis mulle meeldivad mõlemad BB-kreemid, kuid ülal olevast saad kindlasti teha mõne järelduse, milline Sulle meeldida võiks.
I have had this blog post in my head for awhile but I've seem not to be able to write it down. I've tried different BB creams but they tend to stay orange on my this. It's probably because BB creams usually has only couple of shades: light, medium and deep - clearly everyone won't find one what'll match. I used to wear BB cream every day but now I've found the magic world of proper foundations.
I own the Maybelline Dream Pure and Dream Fresh BB creams.
The shade - both are in the shade LIGHT, but they are so different. Pure is actually light and it has pink undertone. Thankfully it's not too pink on my face. I have some redness on my cheeks anyways so I don't want more. Dream Fresh is darker than Dream Pure and it looks a bit orange from the tube but thankfully doesn't stay so on my skin.
Finish - Dream Pure has more a matte or satin type finish and Dream Fresh is as name says a fresh and more healthy looking one.
Vasakul/Left - Dream Pure; Paremal/Right - Dream Fresh |
Coverage - these are BB creams so they don't have a lots of coverage anyways, but Pure has more coverage than Fresh. Pure also has more flawless finish than Fresh.
Speciality - Pure has 2% salicylic acid and is for oily skin. Fresh is also oil free but as it's more dewy finish.
SPF - Pure has SPF 15 in it and Fresh has SPF 30. You also can see it from the picture. Fresh has more flashback than Pure.
Usually people to prefer one to another but I actually like both of them. I prefer Dream Pure in autumn-winter time as it's more pale, matte and has some SPF but not a lot. Dream Fresh I like in the summer as it has fresh-healthy finish, SPF 30 and also the shade is a bit darker.
järgmise korrani x
NpeukiAcruswo Lisa Sanchez