RT "Bold metal" brushes from Aliexpress

Sometimes I like to order things from online stores and sometimes I like to get really cheap (not in a bad way) things from the sites like eBay or Aliexpress. Makeup brushes are these things for most of the time. Yes, everyone says that Real Techniques brushes are affordable. Comparing to MAC ones, I agree. But RT brushes are still too expensive for me as I'm a student. So I can get the whole set from China cheaper than one single brush from one of the shops here in Estonia. 
I have quite a lot of brushes for now and I've thrown some of them away, but I'm so glad to have all of the brushes I have. I really wanted to try out RT Bold metal collection brushes, however one of them costs pretty much the same as my whole brush collection. Then I saw that these were in Aliexpress I decided to order them. By the way I always get mine from the seller who has the lowest price - most of the time they sell exactly the same ones and so far I haven't had any problems. Actually there is one - if you want Jessup ones, make sure who is the actual seller who sells Jessup ones. But getting knock offs - it doesn't matter.
So to the actual Bold metal brushes. I paid 7 euros for the set and got 7 brushes. I have to say that every single brush is worth that one euro.

The handles are from plastic, but I've had these for a month or even more and they still look the same - colour haven't came off or anything like so. I've also washed them 3-4 times and again non of the brushes haven't shed a single hair. Brushes are soft, but I like to use conditioner after washing them because otherwise eye brushes can get a little bit harsh. In general I'm really glad I got them.

Mulle vahel meeldib teha netišopingut ning vahel tellida asju nt eBayst ja Aliexpressist. Üldjuhul tellin meigipintsleid. Peamiselt seetõttu, et ma leian, et need on väga kallid. Paljud kiidavad Real Techniques'i pintsleid ja ütlevad, et need on odavad - mitte minu jaoks. Ühe pintsli hinnaks on keskmiselt 10 eurot ja see on ikka päris kallis, vähemalt minu kui tudengi jaoks. Siiani olen olnud rahul iga komplektiga, mille mõnelt hiina saidilt tellinud olen ja üldiselt otsin kõige odavama müüja, sest järgi tehtud pintslid on üldiselt samad - ma vähemalt oletan. Küll aga nt kui osta Jessup pintslid, siis peaks vaatama, kas on ametlik edasi müüja.
Nüüd aga täpsemalt teema juurde. Tellisin Aliexpressist, maksin 7 eurot ja sain 7 pintslit.
Tegemist on siis järgitehtud Real Techniques'i pintslitega. Pintslite sabad on plastikust ning kuu aja jooksul, mis need mul olnud on, pole üheltki värv maha tulnud vms. Olen ka 3-4 korda pesnud ning kõik pintslid on samasugused nagu alguses. Pintslid on ka pehmed. Üldiselt kasutan peale pesu juuksepalsamit, et pehmust hoida - kasutan seepi pesemiseks ning vahel tundub, et see teeb kuivemaks, aga saab pintsli korralikult puhtaks. Olen märganud, et silmapintslid on natuke karedad ilma palsamait kasutamata.
Nüüd olen ma natuke jamas, sest eesti keeles ma neid pintsleid eriti kirjeldada ei oska.  

Tiny angled brush - I use to fill in my eyebrows whenever I fancy to do it in that way. 
Kaldes otsaga kulmupintsel - kasutan kulmude puudriga täitmiseks. Kuna ma seda alati ei tee, siis ei kasuta ka seda pintslit igapäevaselt, kuid kui täidan puudriga, siis valin selle.

Tapered eyeshadow brush - it way softer and not as tense as I thought. Using for to blend the shadow out from the crease.
Ümar ja pehme lauvärvipintsel. Sobib hästi koopajoonele lauvärvi hajutamiseks.

Fluffy finger tip shaped brush. Good for blending and packing the colour on. 
Sõrme kujuga pehme lauvärvi pintsel. Sobib nii hajutamiseks kui ka lauvärvi laule peale "pakkimiseks". Meeldib väga

Foundation brush. I was really excited to dry it out, but I'm not a fan. Maybe if you like classic foundation brush, it's more for you, but I like to buff my foundation into my skin and I found it difficult with this one.
Jumestuskreemi pintsel. Ma vist ootasin selle kasutamist kõige enam, kuid see on üks nendest pintslitest, mida ma praktiliselt üldse ei kasuta. 

Powder brush - one of my faves out this set. I didn't have a powder brush before, so it was a new one for me. It's just soft and big and soo good.
Puudripintsel. Minu kõige lemmikum pintsel, sellest komplektist. Mul polnud varem suurt ja kohevat puudripintslit ja nüüd see mul on ning olen väga rahul.

Contour brush. Again I was so excited to get this one, but I'm not fully into it either. I like to add bronzer with a fluffy brush and I find that this one doesn't blend well. It's also a little bit too wide for fitting into contour area. I find that using the angle is the only way.
Modelleerimispintsel. Ka selle kasutamist ootasin väga, kuid kahjuks see mulle eriti ei meeldi. Ma tunnen, et see ei hajuta päikesepuudrit laiali ning lisaks on ka liialt lai, et mahtuda õigesse kohta. 

Blush brush. I also like a fluffy brush for my blush, but this one is ideal for highlighter. My second fave. 
Põsepuna pintsel. Jällegi üks minu lemmikutest - kasutan särapuudri jaoks ning selle pintsli suurus on selleks super. Juhul kui tahad täpsemalt kontrollida, kuhu põsepuna kannad, siis soovitan seda ka põsepuna jaoks.

I recommend every single one of these brushes, because comparing the price they are so worth the money. Even though I'm not into all of the shapes I'm glad I tried them.
Ühtlasi tahtsin kokkuvõtteks öelda, et ma soovitan neid pintsleid väga. Kuigi on kaks pintslit, mida ma ei kasuta, siis need olid just need, mida ma kõige enam proovida tahtsin, niiet ma ei leia, et ma oleks kuidagi kaotanud.

järgmise korrani  x


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