Makeup Revolution Redemption palette Iconic 1

Suvel tellisin endale Makeup revolutioni lehelt Iconic 1 paleti, mille toonid on väga sarnased Urban Decay Naked paletiga.

Pakend on täiesti tavaline (peeglita), kuid siiani on see hästi vastpidanud. Paletis on svammist otstega kahepoolne pintsel, mida mina isiklikult ei kasuta. 
Lauvärvide juurde. Paletis on matid, sädelevad ja metalsed lauvärvid. Kõige suurem probleem on mul viimastega. Nimelt neid kasutades, tuleb silmameik teha esimesena, sest väga suur osa lauvärvist jõuab silmaalusele alale ja see pole just meeldiv. See on ka ainus miinus selle paleti puhul.    
Kõik toonid on väga pigmendirohked (arvestada tuleb, et nahatooni värv ei paista välja, kuid see ei tähenda, et pigmenti poleks). Lisaks eelnevale on värve omavahel kerge hajutada. Paleti hind oli 4 naela ehk 5 eurot 40 senti. Selle raha eest on tegemist väga hea kvaliteediga paletiga. 

Last summer I ordered Iconic 1 palette from Makeup revolution. It's meant to be a dupe for Urban decay Naked palette. 
Packaging is really simple but have nothing bad to say about it as it's still going strong and I haven't had any issues with it. It also comes with a duo ended sponge brush what I personally don't use.
About eye shadows. There are some mattes, shimmers and metallics. The most difficult is to work with metallics as they have a lot of fall out. So working with metallic ones the key is to start with eye makeup otherwise shimmer particules end up everywhere. That's the only negative thing about that palette.
Shadows are well pigmented and they're easy to blend. This palette cost 4 pounds which converted to euros is 5.40. I recommend to try it.

järgmise korrani  x


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